Buckminster Fuller
- “I must reorganize the environment of man by which then greater numbers of men can prosper”
- Desire to improve humanities living conditions through means of environmental organisation
- Holistic solutions to waste elimination and pollution
- The opposite of nature is impossible, intentions to be unified with nature
- Ideals of ephemeralisation; "doing more and more with less and less until you can do everything with nothing"
- "The caterpillar reveals nothing about the butterfly"
Tom Kundig
- Contradictory objectives; open to environment, yet closed to create privacy
- References homes as primitive places
- Conspiring vectors; Reconciling value system of client with environment
-Open and closed spaces within houses
- Detail is important, interaction with building
-Architecture is the intersection between the rational and the poetic
-Ultimately architeture is cultural and social - it is shelter at its most basic human level... a deeply humanistic endeavour